Johns Hopkins Evidence-Based Practice Series | 2022 Edition
The model and tools featured in this course are based on the 4th edition of the JHEBP Model and Guidelines Book released in 2021.
The Johns Hopkins Evidence-Based Practice for Nurses and Healthcare Professionals Model is a powerful problem-solving approach to clinical decision-making and is accompanied by user-friendly tools to guide individual or group use.
Feedback from a wide variety of end-users, both clinical and academic, informs the continued development and improvement of the Johns Hopkins Evidence-Based Practice (EBP) Model. The recently revised model and tools draw attention to the value-added contribution of EBP as an interprofessional activity to enhance team collaboration and care coordination.
Johns Hopkins EBP Model and Tools Download
To obtain permission to use our EBP model and tools, submit this form.
“The course is exemplary. I recommend it highly. EBP is difficult for practitioners to grasp and you have condensed the key elements in an interesting, interactive, and succinct format.”
-Colleen Morgan, Professor of Nursing, Florida State College
Target Audience
The Johns Hopkins EBP for Nurses and Healthcare Professionals series focuses on the use of EBP to solve problems faced by bedside healthcare profesionals and clinicians. It is designed for individual use or for broad use by health care organizations and schools*.
*Discounted pricing available for groups and institutions, contact us for details.
Johns Hopkins Health System clinical staff and JHU School of Nursing faculty/students are welcome to take this series of courses free of charge. To access the coupon code, go to the JHH Nursing Intranet. If you are with JHHS or JHUSON, but aren't able to access the coupon, Contact us.
This work is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, treatment or individual root cause analysis
Learning Objectives
After completing this series of courses, you will be able to:
- Participate in EBP projects
- Answer clinical, educational, and administrative problems using the Johns Hopkins Evidence Based Practice (JHEBP) Model
- Identify an EBP problem and question
- Search and appraise literature
- Implement change using the JHEBP Model
2022 New Model and Tools | 4th Edition of JHNEBP Book 
In July 2021 the fourth edition of Johns Hopkins Evidence-Based Practice for Nurses and Healthcare Professionals book was published. This fully revised third edition builds on the strength of the first two editions with updated content based on more than a decade of the model’s use and refinement in real-life settings.
With the revision of the book, the conceptual model and tools were also updated*. Existing tools were modified to help make the EBP process easier for all practicing healthcare professionals.
Thank you to the following Johns Hopkins EBP Steering Committee members who contributed their knowledge and expertise the development of this course: D. Dang, S. Dearholt, K. Bissett, L.Costa, M. Cvach, S. Dudley-Brown, S. Kulik, H. Mark, M.Olsen, J. Shaefer, M. Terhaar, K. White, S. Verillo.
Our EBP experts are available to provide consultation and/or customized education at your facility. If interested, please contact us.
- Accreditation Statement: The Institute for Johns Hopkins Nursing is accredited as a provider of continuing nursing education by the American Nurses Credentialing Center’s Commission on Accreditation.
- Statement of Contact Hours: This 5.0 contact hour educational activity is provided by The Institute for Johns Hopkins Nursing. The 5.0 contact hours will be awarded after the completion of all 5 course modules and the submission of the final course evaluation.
- Conflict of Interest: It is the policy of The Institute for Johns Hopkins Nursing to require our continuing nursing education program faculty and planning committee members to disclose any financial relationships with companies providing program funding or manufacturers of any commercial products discussed in the program. The planning committee and program faculty report that they do not have financial relationships with manufacturers of any commercial products they discuss in the program.
- Commercial Support: This educational activity has not received any form of commercial support.
- Non-Endorsement of Products: The Institute for Johns Hopkins Nursing and the American Nurses Credentialing Center does not endorse the use of any commercial products discussed or displayed in conjunction with this educational activity.
Available Credit
- 5.00 ANCC
- 5.00 Attendance
We recommend that you download or print the EBP tools to reference during the course.
The JHEBP Tools can be immediately accessed after completing this brief copyright form.
By registering for this course you agree to these terms:
All intellectual property and copyright in this Johns Hopkins Nursing Evidence-Based Practice program and its accompanying materials and derivatives are held solely by IJHN. These materials may not be modified, redistributed, or reproduced in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system without PRIOR authorization from IJHN.