Please rate each of the items. * Poor Fair Nuetral Good Excellent Organization of the course. Organization of the course. - Poor Organization of the course. - Fair Organization of the course. - Nuetral Organization of the course. - Good Organization of the course. - Excellent The content of the course The content of the course - Poor The content of the course - Fair The content of the course - Nuetral The content of the course - Good The content of the course - Excellent The quality of the course The quality of the course - Poor The quality of the course - Fair The quality of the course - Nuetral The quality of the course - Good The quality of the course - Excellent Handouts Handouts - Poor Handouts - Fair Handouts - Nuetral Handouts - Good Handouts - Excellent Overall program satisfaction Overall program satisfaction - Poor Overall program satisfaction - Fair Overall program satisfaction - Nuetral Overall program satisfaction - Good Overall program satisfaction - Excellent Do you think this program was objective, balanced, and free of commercial bias? * Yes No If your response to question 2 is "No," please explain.: What was most effective in this course, and why? * What was least effective in this course, and why? * How can we improve this course for future offerings? * How did you hear about this course? * Email Friend/colleague IJHN Website Search Engine Twitter LinkedIn Facebook Live Event Other: How did you hear about this course? Other: Leave this field blank