請為每一個項目。 | Please rate each of the items. 較差的 Poor 公平 Fair 好 Good 優秀 Excellent The course content was accurate. The course content was accurate. - 較差的 Poor The course content was accurate. - 公平 Fair The course content was accurate. - 好 Good The course content was accurate. - 優秀 Excellent The content was relevant to my practice setting. The content was relevant to my practice setting. - 較差的 Poor The content was relevant to my practice setting. - 公平 Fair The content was relevant to my practice setting. - 好 Good The content was relevant to my practice setting. - 優秀 Excellent The course objectives were met. The course objectives were met. - 較差的 Poor The course objectives were met. - 公平 Fair The course objectives were met. - 好 Good The course objectives were met. - 優秀 Excellent The presenter covered the material in a way that was clear, understandable and meaningful. The presenter covered the material in a way that was clear, understandable and meaningful. - 較差的 Poor The presenter covered the material in a way that was clear, understandable and meaningful. - 公平 Fair The presenter covered the material in a way that was clear, understandable and meaningful. - 好 Good The presenter covered the material in a way that was clear, understandable and meaningful. - 優秀 Excellent The format was instructive and engaging. The format was instructive and engaging. - 較差的 Poor The format was instructive and engaging. - 公平 Fair The format was instructive and engaging. - 好 Good The format was instructive and engaging. - 優秀 Excellent Comments or suggestions? Leave this field blank